Sunday, November 06, 2011

Trick or Treat

Last Monday evening, Luigi and Rapunzel hit the streets, using their cuteness to procure goodies.
Rapunzel kept saying "Can I have more? It's for my Daddy." Nice.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, and did "Hangled" GET more for her daddy???

    Your dad and I were kinda excited to see if we'd GET any T or Ters here - - - new neighborhood and all. So, we got the candy and were all ready - - -

    Until we realized he was working in the ER during the T or Ting time and I in the library.

    Good Grief - - - we had to eat all that candy ourselves.

    Oh - - - and I forgot to turn off the front porch light BEFORE I went to the library, so I expected to be well and truly tricked when I got home - - - but no, for my porch light bulb chose THAT night to burn right out!!!
