Yesterday was Piper's first-ever ballet recital. Here it is for your viewing pleasure. :) I tried to get as much of Piper as I could since I know all you Kammas and Papoos and Grammys and Grandpas and aunts and uncles really just want to see HER. :)
After the performance, my wonderfully talented friend
Sarah offered to take some pictures..."Well, if you INSIST!" :) Poor little Peanut...can you see in her eyes she doesn't feel well?
Mack being Mack as we waited for the show to begin.
What fun to get to have a peek into an event in your lives! I could see from Piper's eyes that she didn't feel good, but she did a fine job in spite of it. Love you all!
Was the little Hoover girl Zach's?
Poor little ears on Pipes, got so RED from the elastic string.
What a cute performance!
Did I remember to tell you that my cousin Doug, where we have been going for Thanksgiving Dinner, has a grandson also named McKinley??? Of course, McKinley WAS Doug's dad, so it isn't too surprising.
But still - - -
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