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Friday, October 01, 2010

Lots O'Photos

I'm so proud of my siblings. I'm so proud to be a Broyles for lots of reasons...one of the main ones being I get to have these awesome people as my family, my heritage, aunt and uncles to my children. My siblings are brimming to overflowing with gifts and talents. One of Kyle's many gifts is photography! He took LOTS of pictures during Korie's wedding weekend and I wanted to share my favorites.
I absolutely love this one. Korie's expression says it all.
Korie with one of their friends from Notre Dame, Brad. Korie and Chris have some really amazing friends. I asked them if they took a census of all the coolest people in America then made friends with those people.
Thank you, Kyle, for taking some really great shots!! :)


Angie said...

Well SOMEONE's a clever photographer! How is it that members of your family stay recognisably THEMSELVES? Scenario in our house when the photos come out: "Who's that with the funny hat?" "Auntie Doris isn't it?" "Well SHE scrubbed up well didn't she?".

Ben said...

Add one more to the list of your family's talents, Keri: putting together a great wedding weekend. What great photos, and what a great looking celebration!


Angie said...

Keri I can't contact you any other way but I wanted to answer the questions you asked on my blog. Black pudding is kind of dried pig's blood with globs of fat in it. It comes in the form of a black sausage and is horrible in my opinion. You can almost HEAR your arteries furring up!

Fried bread is exactly that. Fry it in butter if you want but you would need to use quite a lot of it. I would be more inclined to use oil.

Keri said...

Oh goodness, Angie...black pudding...GROSS!!!! I hope that doesn't offend you!

The one with the shoes said...

These were all my faves too!!!! Love this :) I could look at these pictures all day....

Keetha Broyles said...

How did I MISS this post until NOW????

Love these pictures - - - except, you know what I would leave out of them - - - but other than that GREAT!!!