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Friday, August 15, 2008


I was sitting across the room from Jason and Piper and I was struck by how much they looked alike. I didn't even realize she had this sweet smile on her face!!!

Piper and Momma taking a nap! Look how she burrows in to you! She's definitely a snuggle bug.
New things with Piper: she's 8 weeks old!! She's cooing and drooling now! She's had a rough week or so, she has atopic dermatitis which causes her to have a bad rash on her face. It completely covered her whole head and she was having trouble sleeping because it was itchy. So I took her to the doctor and he had to put her on an oral steroid since the cream was out of the question because the rash was all over her face, head, ears, etc. It worked!! After the very first dose, her rash lost it's reddness and itch. But anytime someone other than Jason or me holds her, her little face breaks out again. I don't want to be that Mom that doesn't let anyone hold her baby (not that there's anything wrong with that...I'm just more than happy to have a break from time to time and let someone else hold her! lol) but I'm afraid that's how we're going to have to be until her skin adjusts to life. :(


Heather said...

Aww I"m so glad that she is getting cleared up! She is growing so big!

Keri said...

You can see in that top picture how red her little face is! That was taken Monday before her appointment.

Shoemaker Family said...

Tucker, our oldest, was the exact same way. They diagnosed him with eczema. He still has it behind his knees and the occassional patch on his back;

Anyway...while he was an infant I would always carry an extra blanket washed in our detergent (all free and clear) so other could hold him too. They'd just lay it over their chest/shoulder. Hope that helps.

She is such a doll, not that the other two aren't either; but she is!!!!

Keri said...

That's exactly what I did yesterday! I had a blanket for her when people would hold her and she still broke out! Hopefully she grows out of it.

Keetha Broyles said...

Oh dear - - - she's allergic to her Kamma!!!