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Sunday, February 05, 2012

love and respect

Each year at our church, the month of January is Elective Month. Regular adult Sunday school classes are put on hold and everyone is encouraged to take an elective class. There are always lots of options, and we always participate. This year, our elective was a DVD course taught by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs called "Love and Respect".

Wow. This course should be required by law before anyone receives a marriage license. No joke! It's that good. I thought my marriage was rock-solid, awesome, "WE GOT THIS!". BUT I learned so much about my man through this series and we have noticed differences in the way we react, respond and love each other. A lady in our class said to me "We have been married for 40 years, I wish we had seen this 40 years ago, we would have been spared so much heartache."

If you are married, plan on being married, have children who are getting married, if you have any relationship whatsoever with someone of the opposite sex...work, friends, siblings...ok if you are HUMAN, you need to see these DVDs. Or read the book (although I haven't read the book so I can't sing it's praises as much as the DVDs but I'm sure it's fabulous and it's MUCH cheaper than the DVDs).

You can buy the DVDs HERE (they aren't cheap...but what an investment that is definitely worth it).

You can buy the book HERE.

I saw a project on Pinterest that inspired me, I pinned it and put it on the back burner.  After "Love and Respect", I decided to go ahead and make it.  I got a $5 frame from Walmart, a package of scrapbook paper, some peel-and-stick letters and some wipe-off markers and quickly put it together.

I hung it in the bathroom because that is a room in the house we both frequent, and where we can leave our notes undetected.  Jason and I have been leaving notes for each other all week and let me tell you...sparks are flying all over the place! :) I chose "adore" instead of "love" because of what we learned in the series, just a little teaser for you.


Kara said...

I have been seeing this idea all over Pinterest as well and I want to make it! Love yours!

Also, love your new blog look!

Danavee said...

I want to follow you on Pinterest!!! What's your link?

Chelsea said...

I'll have to look into the DVD more! That sounds interesting.

And. I LOVE that little project you made! What a fun little thing to look forward to throughout the day, or week! It turned out really cute, too!