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Sunday, May 13, 2012

fashionably{?} late

I just started reading The Hunger Games. Yes, I know...I'm a bit behind the times. I had no desire to read it. But then Jason read it and was hooked and kept nagging encouraging me to read it. Now I'm hooked.

The problem? We have one kindle and two avid readers. It's probably a good thing Jason works 3rd shift...or we might have some of our own Games to see who gets the kindle for the evening!

One of my favorite things about the book is Katniss' inner dialog, her doubts and fears, her ruminating, jumping to conclusions, always expecting and assuming people aren't on her side. Because I can sooo relate! And it's refreshing because I tend to think I'm the only freak who thinks that way and has such insane crazy silly thoughts.

Also, Prim reminds me of Piper and Korie...so that has caused me to be emotional at times.

No spoilers, PLEASE! I'm just getting into Part III so I'm a newbie. I haven't seen the movie, I'm hard-core-don't-see-movies-made-from-books-until-I've-read-the-book.

Ok this post is rather rambly so I will bid you adieu for now and go tackle my husband for the kindle.


Danavee said...

Looooove this series! Can't wait to hear your thoughts!

Keetha Broyles said...

This series is all the rage on blogs these days - - - no bug has yet bitten me to make me want to give it a try.

Even Marcus, our young friend who reminds us of Kyle in so many ways, couldn't convince me the other Sunday with all his ravings about how good it is.

Kara said...

I'm SO glad you decided to read this series! I read them early last year and have been obsessed ever since, and the movie was amazing! :)