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Saturday, July 26, 2008


Kelly Bohm posted a link to Wordle on her blog and I'm addicted! It's so much fun! Go check it out! Here are the ones I made for my families.


Keetha Broyles said...

Oh my word!!! I found the Michigan right away, but no Wisconsin and I was about to have a heart attack!!! Hehehehehehehe - - - not to worry, I FOUND the Wisconsin.

These are really cute.

Is Buckley in there?

Keri said...

Oh NO!! I'm a terrible Aunt and forgot about Buckley and Beage. :(

When Jason said Michigan I knew I better include Wisconsin. Now I'm thinking I should have added Florida, too!

Keetha Broyles said...

LOL about FL - - - - dad may not notice. And how did I forget BEAGE?????

Mary Jo said...

wow fun I tried it and now I want to know how you post it on your blog page cause I would like to do some

Heather said...

That is awesome!! How neat is that!

The Kittelson's Krazy Korner said...

How Cute!! I will have to go make one for our family!

Bob said...

And here I thought you included the Wisconsin referance for me. Now I will be sad all day. :(

BooSheep said...

How fun!! Thanks for the link...I have been playing with wordle all day :)


Jaena said...

I caught up on all of your recent posts. You seem to be doing better than me at updating, Keri. :)

The photos of your kids DO look so much alike - amazing!

How's Piper sleeping so far?

Kathy (Pearson) Troyer said...

I am hooked on Wordles, too! So much fun and so cute. Yours are sweet!