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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Olive Tray

Mackinley camped out at the olive tray, stuffing his face with black and green olives, grapes, and cheese while waiting for dinner to begin!

Uncle Joe joined him. The black olives had just been refilled in this picture...Peepaw said they went through TWO CANS!


The Kittelson's Krazy Korner said...

He found the bast place to hang out!! Uncle joe had the right idea to join Mackinley!

Chrissy said...

So cute! I remember being little and eating all the black olives, if you put them on your fingers they look like little solders too! He is adorable.

Heather said...

Growing boys need lots of food!! LOL I'm surprised that MJ likes olives! I'm not an olive person myself to eat whole. Chopped and diced for me!!

Dustin and Kayla said...

hahahaha! mj is always by the olives! :)

Keetha Broyles said...

of course he loves olives - - - he knows what's good!!!

Char said...

Looks like Macky enjoyed himself in his own way. It reminds me of a time when my niece was about the same age. We left her alone for a minute and when we looked back she had a roll in one hand and bunch of celery sticks in the other. Of course, her mother and grandmother freaked out - she didn't have "good" relatives like Keri and Keetha!