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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Piper's Duck

Kamma and Papoo brought Piper a duck from Wisconsin. Look how she loves to snuggle it when she sleeps! Ok, so maybe she's posed but it's still cute! hehehe


Dustin and Kayla said...

good but i tthink u may be the only one that reads it:) ps those michigan blankets r super cute!

grammy said...

Cute duck!!! Looks like it would be so easy to cuddle with!!! Darling pictures.

Keetha Broyles said...

That is the softest duck on the planet!!

Kayla, if you're talking about your blog, I read it EVERY DAY.

Char said...

She loves it! It will probably become her "teddy bear."

Lone Butterfly said...

Tee hee, cute duck - now - do you have a second one for when she loses the first? ;)