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Thursday, February 12, 2009

SICK of SICK!!!!

It all started with the munchkins. They both had bad colds that lasted about a week.

Then I got a cold. Ok, so I'll be sick for a week then be fine. Right? Wrong. My cold turned into a sinus infection, which gave me the wonderful gift of an ear infection.

Then Mackinley got pink eye...then Piper....now me.

So last night we are at Livewires. I'm sitting on the floor with Piper waiting for other kids and the nursery worker to arrive. I start to feel kind of odd...woozy and dizzy. I try to ignore it and focus on what I'm there to do. The other leaders keep talking to me....I can barely hear anything they're saying. (My ear is still clogged...it feels like when you go swimming and get water in your ear except banging on the side of my head with my palm doesn't make it come out!)

As the night progresses, I feel worse and worse. I keep feeling like I'm either going to pass out or throw up or both. And I had a headache in my eyes. I know that makes no sense but I have no other way to describe it...it was a headache in my eyes. Finally I decide it's just getting worse, not better, so I need to leave while I can still drive my babies home.

I called Jason on my way home and asked him if he had time to just stop by and help me get the kids to bed. He came home...but had to leave immediately because of course in all of this there's a HURRICANE going on in February in Indiana. I managed to get Piper to bed and then my head split open. I turned on "Curious George" for Mackinley while I layed perfectly still on the couch trying not to throw up. Jason was able to stop by again for just long enough to get Mackinley in his jammies and in his bed. He turned off all the lights for me and I just lay on the couch like a slug.

I dozed off for about 40 minutes and when I woke up my head was significantly better. By midnight I felt almost 100% myself again. Today I feel pretty good...just a small headache and of course my ear is still full but it's been that way for 2 weeks so a plugged ear has become my friend. haha :)

If you read all of this...WOW! Thanks for sticking to it! (I'm sure my Mom got through the first paragraph before she moved on to the next blog! HAHA!) I just needed to vent that I'm really TIRED of sickness and all I want is to feel NORMAL again!!! Please?!?!


haley said...

oh my gosh keri! i HATE migraines and it sounds like you had one heck of a good one last night. i know exactly what you mean with the "headache in the eyes". it's AWFUL and a sure sign of a migraine. i'm so glad you are feeling back to your old self. it seems like you've been sick since the beginning of time. ha. SLIGHT exaggeration, but whatev!!! :)

Keri said...

I'm still not back to my old self completely, though!! This stupid EAR NEEDS TO DRAIN!!! And I have pink eye! Am I four?!?! I sure sound four with all this whining.

Keri said...

Oh...and...I was wondering, too, if maybe it was a migraine. But then I didn't think it was since it went away so fast and all I took was Ibuprofen.

And...thanks for reading it and for caring, Haley. Love you!! :)

Julie said...

Keri-I'm sorry you've been sick! You don't sound four-you sound miserable! I hope you feel better soon! I would offer to take your kids for a few hours if we lived closer!

And wow, I haven't checked for a few days-you have a ton of posts! I'll have to come back later, the kids are hungry for lunch!

Don't they know I'm reading blogs? ha ha.

Keetha Broyles said...

First of all - - - I read it all.

Second of all - - - I thought migraine right away too. I knew EXACTLY what you meant by a headache in your eyes.

After the worst part of the pain was over, did your brain feel like it was floating around in a pond on your head???? Migraine's do that.

Hope youa re all better soon.

Anonymous said...

migraines! i get them and i've puked before. they are terrible and all u can do is have all the lights out, no noise and sleep. The doctor gave me a prescription but it doesn't help. hope everyone gets well soon!

Heather said...

Poor thing! sounds like a girl at my work. Her son and husband were sick and she. she is the one whos taking it the worst. I hope you feel better soon!

haley said...

of course i read it and of course i care! why? because i love you too!!!!!!

Pam said...

Oh my! I am so sorry!! Are you going to be able to make it to the dinner theater tomorrow evening? I hope so, but mostly I hope that you feel 100% soon.

Keri said...

Yes I will be there, Aunt Pam!! I've been feeling REALLY GREAT today! :)

Oh, Mom...I thought I said this already but I guess not! I wouldn't know if that floating feeling was from the headache because my head always feels like that with this ear that's plugged up with sloshing fluid. LOL