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Friday, August 28, 2009

Uncle Kelly

Our kids love their Uncle Kelly. No...I mean L-O-V-E, LOVE him!!! He stopped by the other day and was waiting for us in the driveway when we pulled in. Mackinley saw him from down the street and immediately was screaming "KELLY! KELLY! KELLY!" from the backseat. And Piper ALWAYS lets Kelly hold her...not just for a minute, but for loooong periods of time! Longer than she even lets ME hold her!!! And if you know Piper, you know this is a BIG deal. I'm so glad my kids see the same special things in their Uncle Kelly that I do. :)


Keetha Broyles said...

They sense the "kid" in him!

These are GREAT pictures.

Julie said...

Awww...how cute. It's so nice to have family the kids ADORE isn't it? My boys LOVE my sister like that!

Amy said...

Aww that's sweet! I used to work with your brother at Pizza Hut. Small world huh?

Keri said...

Did you really?? WOW! Is that how you found my blog?