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Tuesday, March 06, 2012

{40 days for life} day 14 ~ Tess Elizabeth-Claire

Today is Day 14 of the 40 Days for Life campaign. 148 babies have been saved!  Click here to see what these posts are all about.

Tess' Mom, my good friend Brett, says: "Tess Elizabeth-Claire blessed our family with her arrival on Maundy Thursday…a.k.a. April 20, 2000 at 11:14 PM at a whopping 9lbs 9 ozs. At six days overdue, she made it very clear from the start she was in no hurry whatsoever…and that trait sticks with her. Her name incorporates all of her great-grandmothers from both sides of the family as Mike and I were inspired when we discovered his grandpa’s mother’s name was ‘Tess McBride’. With her beautiful name, her daddy opted to call her “Gumdrop”! Tessi has always been our girly girl with a love for all things girl! She is her mama’s daughter in both looks and in personality. She has always been a loyal, kind, compassionate, creative, and exceptionally empathetic young lady. As a baby she was content and was always smiling and cooing sweetly – and she was a major cuddle bug! She loves doing crafts, dancing, reading, swimming, and playing her flute. As a middle child she does a great job balancing her role as “little sister” to her brother and “big sister” to her sister. She is a WONDERFUL big sister – she is patient, loving, and graceful. She blesses our family in a variety of ways and seems to be growing up way too fast. At 11 ½ years old, she loves school and works hard to receive very good grades. We love how God has worked in her life up til now and are excited by the possibilities that are ahead of her!"

Visit 40 Days for Life for help, info, questions, etc.

I am pleading that you pray with me for the Lord to end abortion.  He loves the babies.  He loves the mothers.  He loves the fathers.  He loves the doctors.  He loves those who have already made the choice and are now living each day with the after-effects of that decision.  He's waiting with open arms...run to Him!

Proverbs 31:8 "Speak up for those who have no voice, for the justice of all who are dispossessed."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you Tess! I can't belive how much you grown before i met you!