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Monday, March 26, 2012

{40 days for life} day 34 ~ Hunter Gregory

Today is Day 34 of the 40 Days for Life campaign. 478 babies have been saved!  Click here to see what these posts are all about.

Hunter's Mom, my friend Mary Beth, says: "Adam and I were very excited to find out that we were going to be first time parents. I found out that we were having a boy and I was able to bond with him still in the womb. Hunter Gregory was born on April 13, 2005. He was such a good baby, didn't cry much and was very laid-back. Hunter will be turning 7 years old in a couple of weeks. He is a caring, loving and kind boy to his family and friends. He is very outgoing and does very well in the first grade. He also asked Jesus into his heart last summer. We couldn't be prouder of the son God has given us."

Visit 40 Days for Life for help, info, questions, etc.

I am pleading that you pray with me for the Lord to end abortion.  He loves the babies.  He loves the mothers.  He loves the fathers.  He loves the doctors.  He loves those who have already made the choice and are now living each day with the after-effects of that decision.  He's waiting with open arms...run to Him!

Proverbs 31:8 "Speak up for those who have no voice, for the justice of all who are dispossessed."

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