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Thursday, March 15, 2012

{frazzled, heavy} SIGH

I hate busy-ness.  Especially when the busy-ness includes filling out tons of forms and documents and other such tedious things.  I'm sooooo far behind in reading blogs.  And I have pictures on my camera I'd love to upload, edit and share with you.  But the busy-ness seems to have no end in sight. 
SIGH! :)
Thank you for allowing me to vent!


Katie @ My Darling Days said...

uhg, i hear ya. i am *supposed* to be writing a 15 page paper... and what am i doing? reading blogs. gahhh, i gotta get my priorities straight lol.

Alyx said...

Good for you for doing that instead of reading blogs. I'm reading blogs instead of doing what I SHOULD be.

Keetha Broyles said...

Better take a nap - - - that's what I always do when I'm too busy and frazzled. It seems to help tremendously.