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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

{40 days for life} day 1 ~ Kaeleigh Jay

Today is Day 1 of the 40 Days for Life campaign. According to the website, 4 babies have been saved already on Day 1!

I know this is a controversial subject.  Please understand I do not intend to offend anyone.  I am not perfect, I only breathe air today because of the full love and grace of God.  I am not sinless.  Jesus loves me anyway (and YOU TOO, in case you didn't know), He wiped my sins away and continues to do so every single day.  Because of that, I have given him my life.

Proverbs 31:8 "Speak up for those who have no voice, for the justice of all who are dispossessed."  I looked up the original word for "dispossessed" because I really had no idea what that meant.  Wow.  The original word in that verse translates as "son, daughter, grandson, child, one born, worthy"*.

So to speak up for the justice of all the sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, children and worthy ones whose lives are in danger, I am going to post pictures of babies, one each day during the campaign.  Please hear my heart on this:  I am not here to condemn or judge.  I am pleading that you pray with me that the Lord will end abortion.  He loves the babies.  He loves the mothers.  He loves the fathers.  He loves the doctors.  He loves those who have already made the choice and are now living each day with the after-effects of that decision.  He's waiting with open arms...run to Him!

Of course the first babies I am going to showcase are ours. :) Duh!  This is our sweet Kaeleigh Jay.  The first baby the Lord blessed our lives with.  Kaeleigh is extra-blessed because she has not just a Daddy and a Mommy and all the family members that come with them...she also has a step-Mama and all the family that comes with her.  Kaeleigh is surrounded by people who love her and she is a miracle baby (although hardly a baby any more at 7 years old, soon to be 8!)  Kaeleigh is lively, athletic, kind, loving and sassy.  She is a blessing and we are so thankful every day for her and the way the Lord has intervened in her life already.  We are excited to see what He has in store for her.

Visit 40 Days for Life for help, info, questions, etc.

(If you have a baby I can showcase over the next 40 days, PLEASE email me a picture and a story! I'd much rather share babies I have a connection with than babies I find on Google images. HA!)

*source: mystudybible.com


Mary Jo said...

I love that you are doing this!! As you know I am adopted and I thank God everyday for that:) If you would like to use my babies you can...I may have to work a little to scan a pic of the first 3 cause I did not have a digital camera then. but the last two should be easy...

Looking forward to the next 39 days


Keetha Broyles said...

I don't remember this picture of Kaeleigh, such a sweet one!

Jason said...

You hit it on the head with "lively, athletic, kind, loving and sassy." We sure do love this little squirrel. She still loves to poke toys and other small items away like a squirrel with a nut!

Alyx said...

She was such a cute baby!!