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Friday, June 28, 2013

the project that took three weeks of our lives

First we had to put new shingles on the shed...

Then came all the prep. Power-washing, scraping, clearing wasp nests from the shutters, beginning the very tedious and time-consuming task of transforming the shutters from rust-red to white.

Told you it was time-consuming...

Then came the blue. The glorious, beautiful blue!! At this point it all seemed "worth it".

Now it's like we have a BRAND NEW house!! We love it so much and had fun doing this huge project together.

I never realized our shed is so cute! :)

1 comment:

Keetha Broyles said...

1) The shed is the cutest.

2) It all looks gorgeous

3) I stole 2 pix

4) Your account dad is snoring but says he isn't sleeping when I ask.